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Western Europe in the next 10 years paper demand will fall

时间:2016-04-19 14:49来源:sankun点击:

Western Europe in the next 10 years paper and printing demand will fall

  Recently, a professional services in the British market research company in the field of the latest research report, according to the report, according to data from 2008 to 2020, newsprint demand will drop 56%, commercial paper and printing needs also will decline by 45.5%.

  The report by the sun chemical and paper company in Australia Paperlinx sponsorship, the report predicts the market eventually total demand will reduce 32.5% in 2020, in the early 1990 s the number corresponding to each other. Because of the influence of the network publishing and advertising, coupled with the impact of digital media, magazine demand forecast also will decline by 32%.

  NLK union chief adviser to the pulp and paper, the authors of the report by Richard Harris (RichardHarris) said, these are a wake-up call for us, we can't ignore the existing problems. Many companies have to reconsider their position, the released one of the aims of this report is to discussion, hope to have the opposite happened. However, when Harris said in pessimistic as well as paper, printing and publishing industries still have plenty of time to fight back.

  At the same time, in the field of printing technology, according to the report of digital printing market share will be further expanded. In terms of paper manufacturers, new products will be pouring into the market, such as pluggable smart RFID, special printing and integrated technology of products constantly.
Harris continued: "in the market performance is the best advertising and commercial printing field, its demand forecast only dropped by 14.5%."