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With the combination of printing screen printing

时间:2016-04-19 11:14来源:sankun点击:

With the combination of printing screen printing

  Screen printing is a relatively old printing method, followed by printing skills from time to time, the digital prepress, digital version accounting mechanism, electronic imaging has been widely used in screen printing. Screen printing machine current also once entered the fine print category, the construction is high precision, the initiative to carry out. Because itself unique advantages, screen printing has carry on the main effect in many categories, particularly in the electronics, textile industry, large confessions of the advantage of printing, such as other printing method is unable to compare. In addition, because the universality of printing screen printing materials and the development of the printing machinery, printing ink and other supplies, and other printing with a combination of strengths can be some of the lack of restraint itself, make the market more and more common screen printing.

  1. The combination of screen printing and offset printing

  Offset printing occupies a major position in the traditional printing skills, offset printing and screen printing will be the ties, carry forward the advantages of two printing, is a lot of packaging enterprises especially the quality of high-grade packaging decoration of choice. The design of the top grade packaging decoration printing greatly for the large area of color, color clear, high printing quality. Energetic application of screen printing ink layer thickness and average, the advantages of the printable area of the field color piece, and other exterior decoration as a result, the application of offset printing to printing four color and local complex lines. Through the combination of offset printing and screen printing to high-grade printing packaging decoration printing printing requirements.
  Such as high-grade quality cigarettes, medicine and other packaging and printing products, can screen printing is given priority to, linked with offset printing and screen printing technology. Field printing a local rely on screen printing, a local use offset press printed twice; And pearl ink and color is the primary screen printing process is used to print, also, frosted, ice, crystal and other special results also through to complete the screen printing. Use screen printing machine for large area field printing and pearl printing, the goal is to obtain fine tobacco package needed for the thick ink, and guaranteeing ink, consistent, on average. Apart from some professional screen printing enterprises, the domestic greatly with offset printing machine packaging printing plant is equipped with screen printing equipment. No doubt, the combination of offset printing and screen printing for product invention of high added value.

  2. The combination of screen printing and flexo printing
  At present, the printing precision rotary screen printing unit jointly flexographic printing presses, using screen printing has the characteristics of excellent hiding power, then applies fast flexo printing itself, clarity, senior advantages, complete both advantages complementary. Used in exquisite packaging decoration printing, such as printing gold, silver metal results show or embossed, grinding and other special results; Joint application of light, temperature change screen printing inks, can also add the valuable ticket, high-grade trademark anti-counterfeiting function; To accept this kind of printing method can also be printed on a particular group, such as the blind remind sex tag and so on.
  Screen printing enterprises and ink production manufacturers have realized the rotary screen printing of the many advantages and its attachment in flexible printing processing ability, and increase the intensity of skills for discussion in this respect, the screen printing and flexo combination skills have reached quite high degree. Especially in the UV printing ink, UV ink quality and invariance is quite good, convenient use, because of the characteristics of UV ink for curing, a lot of problems related to the ink dry processing, combined with modern flexographic printing machine open design makes rotary screen printing unit can be easily embedded into a temporary produce process, promote the market demand for screen printing and flexo printing process to add. As another to carry out the bias of the electron beam (EB) curing ink has the advantage of the potential, EB ink not only with UV skills, strengths, and has the very high hiding power. Today in combination in the light of the EB curing ink printing with capital still too expensive, once using this skill, can make the capital fell, the EB curing ink will be the next leap of propulsion, it will greatly improve ink layer conceal force and the speed of the printing press, conform to the processing requirement in the sound and rapid.